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Content is Key


"If you decide that you’re going to do only the things you know are going to work, you’re going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table."

- Jeff Bezos

Students looking to take online courses have an abundance of options with new e-courses popping up everywhere. They are looking into these courses for self-improvement, or to earn a certificate or a degree to better their livelihoods. As the administrator, you should take their intent seriously and put together courses with rich content that speak to your target audience. The content or information offered to your learners should be of the highest quality, as should your method of presentation.

Good first impressions are vital in making a difference in whether or not you draw potential students. When students are researching for online courses, you want your website and course content to stand out from the others. With all the options students have today, you need to put together a good visual platform. If a student comes across a course with low quality videos or graphics that seem to be from another decade, they are surely going to move on. Create screens that are dynamic and interesting. These pages should be professional and streamlined so the learner’s experience is enhanced, not prohibited by navigating a site that leads to dead end pages.

Create a course where the learner is engaged. Give the user the opportunity to provide intelligent input among peers. People are more apt to learn when they are actively engaged, and they want to impress that they have learned the material to their teachers and colleagues. An environment where the learner is engaged in the topic is one where they are more apt to stay with the coursework.

Achieving goals is another way to keep learners committed to completing the task. Set up modules where a quiz or test at the end unlocks the next module and gets the learner closer to their goal.

Your course will only be as good as it’s content. Stay current on news in relation to what you are teaching. In this fast-paced society, students are keen on using their newly gained knowledge to get a leg up on their competition. Provide lessons or concepts that catapults them towards their end goal while creating a foundation that learners can build up on as they go through your coursework. This allows ideas to flow clearly in real-life situations as learners take in the content and make it their own.

On This Day - (1796) US State Department issues 1st US passport.


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